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Must Have Apps After Rooting a Android
Apps You Should install after Rooting Your Android
Superuser is the first app a user should install after rooting, if the rooting
method didn't do it already. "Rooting" a phone allows a user to
establish total control over the device, but Superuser is the app that provides
the button for that control.
ROM MANAGER is a app that is used to flash CVM, browse ROMS and more
Titanium Backup is an enormously useful app. Not only can it backup apps, but
it can backup apps and all their data, and it can delete apps—even system apps
or bloatware.
SetCPU allows the user to exert total control over how fast, or slow, the
processor runs at any given point in time
Adfree may actually be the greatest root-essential app available on Android,
and it's one that you never see unless it needs updating. All Adfree does is
block ads, but it does it for everything on the phone
what it does best is definitely a good thing, since it can practically automate
your entire phone given the right amount of power.
Metamorph is a small app that allows you to theme any part of Android by
applying simple patch files
It's not an actual app that you run, but instead provides all the Linux/UNIX
commands that we know and love.
Recently mentioned SSH Tunnel is an app that allows an Android phone to connect
to the internet using an ssh tunnel for a completely secure connection
Change the APPS that start when the phone boots and more
explores till the root of your phone
explores till the root of your phone
HELPS you in saving battery
a toolbox containing all the essential tools
a complete set of tools to clean and boost ur SD card
Original Thread: XDA
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